To view your Bill for the semester including financial aid applied to your bill, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log onto your my博彩平台推荐
  2. Click on the Self-Service Banner tab
  3. Click on "Student Services & Financial Aid"
  4. Click on "Financial Aid"
  5. Click on "Student Breakdown Bill"

Summary of Charges: Your tuition, mandatory fees, housing, meal plan, course specific fees, and other miscellaneous charges such as parking fines will appear in this section of your bill.

Estimated Financial Aid: Any financial aid that has been applied to your account will appear on the right side of your bill. If you believe you have financial aid, but do not see any financial aid payments appearing, please contact the Student Solutions team immediately to discuss your financial aid.

Summary Statement: This section will show your total charges, total financial aid applied, and any additional payments received. The Current Balance Due will be your total bill minus financial aid applied and payments received. If your bill is paid in full and your balance due is $0, you might have an estimated refund. Your refund will show as processed approximately 1-3 weeks after the add/drop period of the semester.